Stein Eriksen Lodge
Named after Norwegian Olympic Gold Medal skier Stein Eriksen and nestled mid-mountain at Deer Valley
Resort, the lodge is a European getaway in the heart of Park City. More than a resort hotel, the best hotel in
park city, Stein Eriksen Lodge Deer Valley, has become a legend in its own right, offering guests an escape
from the hustle and bustle of everyday life through luxurious accommodations, world-class dining, legendary
service, and year-round recreation.
Park City is a historic town with its roots in the mining industry. Stein Eriksen Lodge is
situated mid-mountain on Deer Valley, the world’s best skiing resort. Stein Eriksen Lodge was just named Best
Ski Hotel in the World for the second year in a row. The summer offers many outdoor activities, such as hiking,
biking, kayaking, fishing, tubing, hot air-ballooning, and rock climbing.
Работни позиции и заплащане:
- Housekeeping $20.00
- SPA Attendant $20.00
- Food and Beverage Assistant $11.00 plus tips
- Host/Hostess $16.00 plus tips
- Cook $20.00
- Housing $200 per week
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